Ammu-Nation Shooting Range (GTA SA)
In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas some Ammu-Nations have shooting ranges where Carl Johnson can upgrade his weapon skill.
As CJ takes to the range, he will be facing-off against 2 competitors in a race to score the most hits. The range provides three rounds for each weapon; the first round’s winner is determined by who can shoot out 3 targets (each target has 7 spots to hit) at varying distances. The next round features moving targets, again a race to shoot them all first. The third round has a moving target that everyone is shooting at, the shooter with the most number of hits wins.
For each weapon, the skill level will result in different upgrades, as a general rule of thumb; reaching higher skill levels will increase the rate of fire and accuracy. Also, with some weapons, getting better skills will give CJ the ability to fire while moving and strafing and the ability to dual-wield certain pistols and SMGs.
Four weapons are used in the shooting range, namely the Pistol, the Micro-SMG, the Shotgun and the AK-47. One weapon is used for every three rounds.
If the player enters the shooting range while having certain guns in the inventory and leaves without finishing the course, the ammunition for that weapon doubles, which is essentially free unlimited ammunition. The weapons affected are:
- Pistols: Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle (only occasionally)
- Shotguns: Sawed-off Shotgun, Combat Shotgun
- SMGs: Tec-9, MP5
- Assault Rifles: M4
It is important to note that all other weapons are not affected. Also, if the player enters the range with the Pump Action Shotgun, they will lose it and all shells in the inventory.
- While standing in an Ammu-Nation, it is not possible to kill the NPCs firing their weapons on the shooting range through the bullet-proof glass. However, oddly, when trying to burn them through the bullet-proof glass with the flamethrower, the fire penetrates the wall through the other side but does not ignite the NPCs.
Video walkthrough
PC Version by GTASeriesVideos |
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