Get Lost/Walkthrough
The following is a walkthrough for the mission Get Lost in The Lost and Damned.
Go to the Alderney State Correctional Facility down in southeast Alderney. Your Lost brothers soon arrive. Approach Terry at the back of his van and load up on all weapons- grab as much as you can for every weapon; they're free this time. Blow up the prison doors. An easy start is to launch a rocket at the laundry service van parked just inside the entryway- causing several guards to be killed. Use a sniper rifle to pick off guards who use laundry bins for cover in the entrance area, or just run in guns blazing with your Carbine Rifle. Follow Terry and Clay to the left. When you reach the north end of the yard, another wave of guards opens fire at the corner. One well-placed grenade tossed early can make quick work of this crew. Fight your way around the northwest corner - don't miss the first aid kit on the side of the water basin right at the corner. Then head east where another laundry van is surrounded by hostile guards. Blow it up to thin their ranks and pick off the shooter on the roof. Go into the recreational yard with guns ablaze, but use nearby barrels for cover - you still have a lot of fighting to do. Kill the NOOSE goons that drop from the helicopters. When battling the NOOSE, explosives are your best friend. Use the RPG/grenade launcher and normal grenades or pipe bombs to flush out groups, and when you run out, finish them off with guns. When the last goon drops - the location of Billy Grey is revealed. Hold Billy at gunpoint with your Automatic 9mm. Johnny hesitates at first but shoots Billy in the chest after he lunges at him with a knife. After Grey's corpse is at your feet, return to Terry and Clay and get on your bike. Drive out of the prison and lead The Lost back to the Lost MC Clubhouse. You will then find that Ray Boccino and his men have wrecked the clubhouse. Johnny and the remaining Lost members, decide to put the clubhouse out of its misery and burn it to the ground.