Jesus Saves

The Jesus Saves' signage occasionally flickers to reveal a "U Save" phrase.

Jesus Saves is a save point in Grand Theft Auto 2, the earliest of its kind in the GTA series.


The safehouse assumes the guise of a evangelical "church" where the player can "absolve" his "sins" (i.e. the many criminal acts committed by the player character in Anywhere City) by donating a hefty sum of $50,000; in other words, the player must have $50,000 amassed from their many criminal exploits in the game in order to save their game. Players save by entering a designated doorway.

If the player has adequate money, the player's game will be saved, followed by an announcement (in the PC version only) by a preacher inside the church that "another soul saved"; on the other hand, if the player lacks the minimum funds, they will be turned away, to which point the preacher will utter "Damnation! No donation, no salvation!" To date, Jesus Saves is the only known safehouse in the GTA series that requires the player spend money every single time they save their game, a feature that was eliminated from Grand Theft Auto III onwards.

Jesus Saves churches tend to be situated in gang-neutral districts of Anywhere City, including Avalon in the Downtown District, Wormley in the Residential District and Tedium in the Industrial District. Jesus Saves also serves as a starting point of the player whenever they start a new game or load a saved game. For the Residential Jesus Saves in the PlayStation version of the game, a crusher is situated very close to the church to the north.


  • "Jesus Saves" is a well-known Christian hymn, having appeared in text form in various religious scriptures as well as modern religious art, such as one found in GTA San Andreas. A similar mural can be found at the housing projects in Rancho, Los Santos in GTA V.
  • Each Jesus Saves church sports a large neon-lit signage bearing its name. As certain of its neon lights are flickering, the sign occasionally appears with only "U Save" being lit, a reference of the churches' function of allowing the player to save their game.
  • The Downtown District Jesus Saves features a ringing payphone that provides the player with a brief tutorial on how to play GTA 2, as well as spawning a Schmidt for the player in the driveway.
  • The Residential District Jesus Saves bears "Rev. Elations Club 13:17" text on the roof ("Rev." is a short form for Reverend). "Rev. Elations" is a reference to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, while 13:17 refers to a passage in the Book of Revelation that reads "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name [(666)]".
  • A tattered canopy over the entrance of the Industrial District's Jesus Saves features large white text bearing the "Rev. Erse" name and an apparently added text on the side that reads "GET STUCK IN". The complete phrases refers to the act of "getting stuck in reverse".