The Lost and Damned/Features
- New storyline featuring Johnny Klebitz and The Lost Brotherhood
- The ability to call for backup from brothers
- The ability to call a brother for bike delivery, weapons delivery, or to leave a weapon for you at the Clubhouse
- A "Toughness" statistic for brothers
- When riding in formation with the gang, a "The Lost" logo appears behind Billy Grey. Riding within that logo restores Johnny's health, repairs his bike, and begins conversations with the other brothers.
- New Multiplayer modes
- Motorcycle Races
- Bike Theft missions
- More achievements
- A clubhouse - The Lost's headquarters and a safehouse for Johnny
- More TV shows, including a sequel to A History of Liberty City
- New radio content, which includes additions to Liberty City Hardcore, WKTT, Beat 102.7 (including new original songs made for the game), Liberty Rock Radio 97.8, and Radio Broker
- A new stand-up comedian at Split Sides
- Mr. Fuk's Rice Box open for business (Johnny can eat there)
- Pizza This, another new restaurant
- Fan Dang, a new drinking venue
- 50 Seagulls (similar to Flying Rats)
- New weapons, including an automatic shotgun and pistol
- New vehicles, including a tow truck and several motorcycles.
- Gang Warfare, defending territory from other gangs
- Arm Wrestling, card games, and Air Hockey with brothers
- TLAD-themed clothing for Xbox Live avatars
- More websites available