555 We Tip

555 We Tip is the 2nd mission in the San Fierro storyline of the game. To trigger this mission, simply walk into the red circle at the Doherty Garage in Doherty, San Fierro.


Carl gets a call from Officer Tenpenny. Tenpenny wants Carl to take the weed that they got from The Truth, put it in somebody's car, then call the cops using We Tip. Carl won't do it. Code of the Streets: you don't snitch. But then Tenpenny claims that it is a DA that they are dealing with. CJ then gladly accepts the mission.

The Plan

Head on over to the blip across the street from the Vank Hoff Hotel in Financial. Next you have to go down to the parking garage and wait for the valet. If you have a wanted level and go down into the garage, you will fail the mission. After the valet gets out of the car, kill him and then pick up his Valet Uniform.

Next, go to the red circle. You will then be informed that the DA drives a blue Merit. Get close to the roadway island and wait. Usually the first blue car that comes up is the Merit. Take it and go before another valet gets it first. If another valet gets to it first, jack it from him.

You now have two and a half minutes to get back to the Xoomer Garage Safehouse to plant the drugs. From there you have to go back to the entrance of the parking garage. You cannot damage the car in any way. If you do, you have to go all the way back to the garage. Once you get back to the parking garage entrance, park the car in the designated spot in the parking lot of the hotel.

After you park the car, you go back the surface, go to the red circle, and then a cut scene happens. Carl then rings up 555 We Tip, and then the SFPD comes and then check the DA's car, which they find full of Marijuana. The DA is then arrested.


At the conclusion of this mission, you are notified about being able to be a valet at the Vank Hoff. You need to go back to any safehouse, put on valet clothes and then go to the marked area outside of the Vank Hoff. You will gain money if you successfully do some valet missions, and after completing them, Vank Hoff Hotel will become an asset.