Doherty Garage

The Doherty Garage is the derelict Xoomer gas station/garage in San Fierro, San Andreas that protagonist Carl "CJ" Johnson wins in a street race after beating Claude and Catalina. It is a save point located in the industrial neighborhood of Doherty, across the street from Cranberry Station. It is a popular hang-out spot for members of the San Fierro Rifa, who will question Carl's gang allegiance. A garage is operational so that the player can store up to four cars inside the garage. The garage can also be used even if the save point cannot yet be accessed.
In 1992, Carl won a deed to the garage after a race instead of a pink slip as his opponent needed his car to go to Liberty City. After The Truth is found by the narcs and he and Carl flee to San Fierro, they, along with Carl's sister Kendl Johnson and her boyfriend Cesar Vialpando, begin to work on the garage, turning it from a run down building to a successful and profitable business. The group, along with blind Chinese-American San Fierro Triads leader Wu Zi "Woozie" Mu, uses this garage as a base of operation to hunt down the Loco Syndicate. Later on, Carl and Cesar work on delivering rare vehicles on the customers wish list to the Wang Cars showroom they have purchased earlier.
Events of GTA San Andreas
After successfully defeating Claude and Catalina in a street race, Carl heads to San Fierro with his new friend, the pot-growing hippie, The Truth. When they reach the garage, Carl realizes it is abandoned and in desperate need of repair. Before Carl sinks into his despair, Kendl convinces him to turn the situation around and make something of the place. With the help of The Truth, Carl employs Dwayne, Jethro, and Zero to work in the garage. With additional help from Cesar, Carl and the rest of the crew are able to turn the garage into a successful chop-shop.
The interior of the garage is seen during mission cutscenes, but is only accessible using modifications. It is big, and is mainly composed of a garage with a small office.
- Carl Johnson - owner
- Kendl Johnson - manager
- Cesar Vialpando - driver and servicer
- Jethro - mechanic
- Dwaine - mechanic
- Zero - electronics expert and car modder
- The Truth - assistant (he was the locator of the garage after the mission Farewell, My Love...)
- Carl Johnson
- Garage missions
- Frank Tenpenny
- Cesar Vialpando
- Shotgun - available after collection of 50 Snapshots
- Micro SMG - available after collection of 50 Snapshots
- Sniper Rifle - available after collection of 50 Snapshots
- Grenades - available after collection of 50 Snapshots
Garages: | 1 (4 cars) |
Weapons: | MAC-10 (after capturing all 50 snapshots) |
Grenades (after capturing all 50 snapshots) | |
Shotgun (after capturing all 50 snapshots) | |
Sniper Rifle (after capturing all 50 snapshots) |
- Although Carl acquires the garage after "Farewell, My Love...", the garage is available from the game start. An easy way to confirm this is to either first attempt a free traversal of the entire San Andreas map without a wanted level or try exploring San Fierro immediately after The Green Sabre and before attempting Badlands.
- The garage can hold a maximum of 4 vehicles; although more can be placed inside (i.e. 2 cars, 2 motorcycles, or 6 motorcycles) exceeding 3 vehicles may result in one or all of the vehicles parked inside disappearing after a period of time. The garage is larger than most available up to this point in the game, capable of holding 2 Monster trucks. Although there is a second garage immediately adjacent, it is not accessible.
- Due to the garage's proximity to a busy pedestrian sidewalk, care must be taken when opening it that computer-controlled pedestrians don't wander into the garage as they have been known to attempt to drive away in vehicles parked inside (this is a particular concern if the player chooses to back vehicles into the garage or wants to avoid damaging vehicles).
- The interior of the main building can only be accessed through mods and the hidden interiors universe.
- A glitch in the PS2 version of the game causes the garage to not always open, requiring several approaches before it will open and allow access. An identical glitch occurs with the Portland Safehouse in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
- If the Doherty Garage is accessed through the hidden interior universe, there will be a calendar saying that the game takes place in January, explaining why it was snowing during Saint Mark's Bistro.