
For Jon Gravelli
Location Algonquin
Reward $12000
Unlocks Dining Out
Unlocked by Babysitting

In Entourage, Niko is directed by U.L. Paper to the dying Jon Gravelli who has a job for him: meet the politician Bobby Jefferson and escort him to City Hall.


Go to meet Former Secretary Jefferson and his entourage at Grand Easton Terminal. Niko will be driving Mr. Jefferson to his speech. Stay behind the lead car. Eventually, a series of roadblocks will lead the convoy into an ambush by the Russian Mafia disguised as Construction Workers. Fight your way out and rescue Jefferson. Evade four more cars which will give chase and ensure Jefferson survives. Take Mr. Jefferson to the Civic Citadel, and complete the mission.


  • The motorcade ambush in this mission is a homage to the famous alleyway ambush scene in the 1994 film Clear and Present Danger, in which Harrison Ford is part of a motorcade that is cornered and attacked in an alleyway by gangsters with RPGs.
  • The Lokus in this mission has a unique colour, if you want, take it after the mission.
  • In the Motorcade, along with Washington's and Lokus's, a Coquette can be seen driven by the Gambetti's.