Brian Jeremy

File:TLAD BJ.jpg
Brian Jeremy

Brian "BJ" Jeremy is a member of The Lost Brotherhood and is known to be fiercely loyal to the gang's incarcerated leader, Billy Grey.

He is apparently displeased with the direction Johnny Klebitz is taking the gang in due to the truce with The Angels of Death.

Brian never had a girlfriend, explaining that he has "no time for that shit".

Brian constantly argues with Klebitz over Grey, and always defends Grey, even if he is making the wrong decisions. Johnny also constantly insults him, insulting his combat skills, amongst other things.

After Grey's arrest in Chinatown, Johnny retakes control of the Lost once again, much to Brian's distaste. After arriving back at the clubhouse, Brian once again argues with Johnny, this time, he leaves the gang, and starts his own faction of the Lost.

He offers to have a truce with Klebitz, but is only a trap, and tries to have Johnny, Jim, Clay, and Terry killed, however they pulled together and killed most of Brian's men, and while doing that, killed most of the Lost.

Brian runs back to his safehouse, and lets Ray Boccino know of his location, believing him to be on his side, but Boccino only rats out Brian to Johnny, and he, with assistance from Clay and Terry, attack Brian's safehouse, where Klebitz has the option of sparing him or killing him. If killed, Klebitz puts a bullet in his neck. If spared, Brian leaves his safehouse, but not Liberty City, as warned by Klebitz. Johnny then takes Brian's home as his own.

Brian can be met on the streets if he was spared earlier, he leads Johnny into a trap. The trap is unsuccessful, and only leads to Brian's inevitable death.

After his death, his picture is hung on the memorial wall out of honor of is Brotherhood, albeit heavily mistreat.