Brian Jeremy

Brian Jeremy
Appearances The Lost and Damned
Full Name Brian Jeremy
Aliases BJ
Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1969
Place of Birth Acter, Alderney
Date of Death 2008
Age at Death 39
Nationality American
Home Alderney
Main Affiliations The Lost Brotherhood
Ray Boccino
Vehicles Crimson Diabolus
Black Gang Burrito
Businesses Drug Trafficking
Club Secretary
Voiced by Adrian Martinez

Brian "BJ" Jeremy is a character in the HD Universe appearing in The Lost and Damned. He is the secretary of the Alderney Chapter of The Lost Brotherhood.


Brian is a member of The Lost Brotherhood and is known to be fiercely loyal to the gang's incarcerated leader, Billy Grey. He is apparently displeased with the direction Johnny Klebitz is taking the gang in due to the truce with The Angels of Death. Brian constantly argues with Klebitz over Grey, and always defends Grey, even if he is making the wrong decisions. Johnny also constantly insults him, specifically his combat skills amongst other things.

After Grey's arrest in Chinatown, Johnny retakes control of the Lost once again, much to Brian's distaste. After arriving back at the clubhouse, Brian and the Random Biker argue with Johnny, accusing him of ratting Billy out. Brian splits with the gang and starts his own faction of the Lost. Later, he offers to have a truce with Klebitz but it ends up being a trap to have Johnny, Jim, Clay, and Terry killed. However, they pull together and kill Brian's men, most of the Lost.

Brian runs back to his safehouse and lets Ray Boccino know of his location, believing him to be on his side, only to have Boccino rat out Brian to Johnny due to his need of the end of the Lost's civil war. Johnny (with the optional assistance from Clay and Terry) attacks Brian's safehouse. When Klebitz has Brian cornered, Klebitz has the option of sparing him or killing him. If spared, Brian runs out of the safehouse. At this point, Johnny gains control of the safehouse.

An icon denoting a random encounter with Brian appears northeast of the safehouse immediately after the first mission. It's advised that Johnny stock up on ammo, armor and health before proceeding to it.

At the random encounter, Brian (who apparently isn't out of town like he promised) says to Johnny that he has changed and wants to show him something. Thereafter Johnny follows Brian throughout Alderney and into Algonquin, expressing skepticism about Brian's motives. Sure enough, Brian leads Johnny into a trap and a shootout occurs between Johnny and a group of enemy targets, and Brian. This time, Brian has to die to end the mission (if auto-aim is activated, Brian will likely be the first enemy targeted and if Johnny is equipped with a Streetsweeper, he will die with one shot).

Mission appearances

The Lost and Damned

LCPD Database record

  • Surname: Jeremy
  • First name: Brian
  • Age: 39
  • Place of birth: Acter, Alderney
  • Affiliations: Member of the Alderney Chapter of the Lost MC.
  • Criminal record:
    • 1985 - Grand Theft Auto
    • 1986 - Grand Larceny
    • 1989 - Murder
    • 2005 - Possession Controlled Substance: Cocaine
  • Notes:
    • Senior member of the Alderney Chapter of the Lost MC.
    • Believed to be fiercely loyal to the incarcerated head, Billy Grey.
    • Rumored to be unhappy with the Lost's uneasy truce with the Angels of Death MC.


  • Brian never had a girlfriend, explaining that he has "no time for that crap." This leads Johnny to question Brian's sexuality, as Brian is seemingly overly devoted to Billy.
  • Brian's phone number remains in Johnny's phonebook even after he is killed.
  • Brian's initials (B.J.) are a reference to a "blow job," an act of oral sex commonly known as a "BJ." Some Lost MC members make fun of this fact.
  • Brian has a patch reading "I Rode Mine Los Santos 2004." He, Terry Thorpe and Johnny are the only members who have this patch.
  • If Johnny chooses to chase Brian in Bad Standing, he will shout taunts at Johnny, saying things like "Billy Grey fucked Ashley Butler and I watched" or "There are videos of Ashley on the Internet."
  • In Action/Reaction, Johnny asks Brian if he was ever tough even to do time, in which Brian says: "The only ones who do time are the ones dumb enough to get caught." Ironically, he and Billy were charged with murder in 1989.
  • Brian and Johnny Klebitz have matching tattoos of a demonic face on the back right side of their necks, suggesting at some point in the past they were closer as brothers.
