Music in GTA V

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In GTA V, instead of just having radio stations, many missions will be scored, with specific music tracks played at specific moments in order to build atmosphere and tension. However, radio stations will continue to exist.

We though could do something interesting if we scored missions in GTA. Obviously we didn't want to lose radio stations, so we thought we'd do both. Exactly how we're going to balance between the two we're not entirely sure yet – we're still trying to figure that out. But we have some very cool people doing the score, different people, who will work in the same stem-based system that we used in the other games".

Dan Houser in The Guardian

Music Tracks

The following songs was mentioned in previews of the game:

The following songs have appeared in official trailers for GTA V:

  • "Ogden's Nut Gone Flake" - Small Faces (genre: psychedelic rock) - this song was heard in the first trailer.
  • "Skeletons" - Stevie Wonder (genre: R&B) - this song was heard in the second trailer.

Additionally, the band Love Fist from the GTA III Era may return, as the band's logo appears on a t-shirt in one official artwork.


  1. The Guardian Grand Theft Auto V Preview