Trip Skip

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The Trip Skip is a feature in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars that allows the player to skip the ride to a certain destination if they are on their second attempt, although it is only available during certain missions. When a trip skip is executed, the words Later that day... will appear at the bottom of the screen and the player will be transported to their destination at a later time (after one in-game hour and a half in GTA San Andreas).

The "trip-skip" feature may also refer to the ability for the player to skip the time taxi rides take to reach a destination in GTA IV and GTA Chinatown Wars.

Missions with Trip Skip

GTA San Andreas
  • End of the Line - A special case happens in this mission. If after one of three checkpoints in the game, Carl dies somehow, the player is transported back to the last checkpoint observed when replaying the mission.
