
The Shotgun is a firearm first introduced in Grand Theft Auto 2, known for its ability to inflict maximum damage in closed quarters. Since its adoption, the shotgun has appeared in some form in all Grand Theft Auto games, mostly appearing as a weapon tier in later games.
In a nutshell, a shotgun is typically a powerful firearm which effectiveness diminishes in distance (as the bullets disperse into a wider area), and thus is more suitable when shooting targets in point blank range. In GTA 2, the game makes its very clear that the gun shoots three pellets at once. This may allow the player to hit up to three targets at once if they aim at a large group of people. In addition, players in GTA 2 are allowed to fire the gun while running, an ability that was stifled after GTA 2. Shotguns tend to impose one-hit kills, and is equally devastating when aimed at a vehicle, which will explode from two or three gunshots from a shotgun.
The library of shotguns were increase from GTA Vice City onwards, typically allowing the player to choose one of two or three available shotguns in the game; as a result, the "shotgun" name is also used to refer to a weapon tier in these games. Shotguns from GTA III onwards were also modified to limit mobility while wielded - the player character is not capable of sprinting and, in some games, is required to stand still when targeting; one exception is the Sawn-off Shotgun, which doesn't just allow the player to fire while running, but also wield two Sawn-off Shotguns at once.
Prior to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a close range shotgun blast can knock the player down, making them defenseless, even with body armor. However, in GTA San Andreas, and games from Grand Theft Auto IV onwards, this weakness was eliminated but the player may still suffer tremendous damage at close range. From GTA III onwards, the player may receive 5 shotgun shells by entering a police car, and a shotgun will be added to the player's weapon slot, if the player doesn't already have one.
List of shotguns
Shotguns in GTA 2, GTA III and GTA Advance are typically unnamed, although for the latter two, they are evidently based on a real life rendition (whereas the GTA 2 rendition is of an original design).
Shotguns from GTA III onwards may be categorized into the following groups:
- SPAS 12
- Sawn-off Shotgun
- Pump Action Shotgun
- Combat Shotgun
- Stubby Shotgun
- Double Barreled Shotgun
- Assault Shotgun
- Automatic Shotgun
- GTA 2
(To show your coordinates you have to enter a cheat code, use at your own risk)
- Trailer north of the Rebel Radio fenced courtyard (RV Park) (46,5 40,5 2)
- Go to the Old Banjo. Use either set of stairs to get to the west side of the hut (The Old Banjo) (8,5 36,5 3)
- Alley east of the southeast corner of the shopping mall (Dominatrix) (NOT MARKED ON THE MAP) (193,5 176,5 2)
- Awarded when a Arachnid is crushed
- Go to the pier north of the Russian Mafia headquarters. Look near the crane (Lubyanka Docks) (130,5 3,5 2)
- Go to the processing plant. Use the stairs on the west side to get to the roof (Blind Eye processing plant) (203,5 9,5 5)
- Go to the power plant. Use the stairs right of the entrance (Power plant) (244,5 53,5 3)
- Go to the Tedium car shop and take the street east of it towards east. Before it turns south, walk a bit towards north and approach the big tower (Krimea) (162 69 2)
- Among the houses west of Tabernacle station (Tabernacle) (191 140,5 2)
- East section of the building with a central tower located north of the construction site (Lattero) (96 221 2)
- Building northwest of Bayano hospital (Bayano) (28 171,5 2)
- A bit northeast of the Tedium car shop (Tedium) (73,5 84,5 2)
- Take the street west of the Russian Cross on south direction. Take the second street towards west, then check the second set of blocks on the north side (Gonad) (146 124,5 2)
- Go to the big road north of the construction site. Go to the zone where it turns north near the Vedic Temple. Check the building two blocks north of the corner (Petula) (158 196 2)
- Dropped by Russians with 3 or 4 negative respect bars
- Awarded when a Bulwark is crushed