Races in GTA IV

A Race is a competetive multiplayer game in GTA IV. The race is customizable to suit the player in control's wants.


Italics means that the player can choose regardless if they are the one in control or not

  • Race Class (16 Vehicle Classes, Boats, Helicopters, Free Race or Cannonball Run)
  • Vehicle
  • Vehicle Color
  • Race Track
  • Number of Laps (1-8 or Random)
  • Vehicle Damage (Normal or Scrapes Only)
  • Traffic (Parked, Low, Medium, High or Off)
  • Pedestrians (Low, Medium, High or Off)
  • Gamertag Display (On or Off)
  • Voice Chat (On, Off or Proximity)
  • Time of Day (Morning, Midday, Evening, Midnight or Random)
  • Weather (Clear, Overcast, Drizzle, Rain, Foggy or Variable)
  • Description (On or Off)
  • Radio Station (Choose from all the GTA IV radio stations)
  • Kick Player

Vehicle Class

The vehicles of the game are split into different classes. These are listed below with the fastest car of the class at the top, and the slowest at the bottom;




2 Door:

4 Door:





People Carrier:







In a race, the player may not exit his/her vehicle and can respawn to the last checkpoint by holding down Triangle or Y, except in Free Race or Cannonball Run.

GTA Race

A GTA Race is essentially the same as a race, but the competitors may use weapons to kill or slow down competition, and also exit and enter other vehicles. There is another customizable feature for a GTA Race, determining which weapons will spawn on the track. However,these races are very cheap, as other players often block off the road near a weapons respawn and kill many layers, often getting more money than the winner of the race.


† This vehicle may not be the best choice for a race, as its acceleration is lower than the Sultan and the FIB Buffalo/NOOSE Patriot respectively.