Sub Urban/Clothing in GTA San Andreas

The following is a complete list of clothing available from the Sub Urban chain of clothing stores in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

List of clothing


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
White Heat T 5 0 $35
Bobo Ape T 17 13 $115
Red Bobo T 12 12 $80
Base 5 T 15 12 $80
Suburban T 15 10 $60
Mercury Hood 15 10 $70
Base 5 Hood 20 14 $105
Rockstar Hood 17 15 $120
Vest & T-Shirt 0 0 $30
Grn (Green)
13 5 $30
Blk (Black)
5 5 $30
Rockstar Sweat 10 10 $60


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Gray Shorts 0 0 $30
Olive Shorts 5 0 $30
Gray Chonglers 2 1 $50
Green Chonglers 6 0 $50
Red Chonglers 6 2 $50
Blue Chonglers 2 2 $50
Green Shorts 0 5 $30
Red Jeans 0 0 $60


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Black Hi-Tops 2 1 $55
Red Hi-Tops 2 1 $55
Orange Hi-Tops 2 1 $50
White Low-Tops 2 2 $70
Gray Low-Tops 2 1 $65
Black Low-Tops 2 2 $65
White Hi-Tops 3 2 $80
Strap Sneakers 3 2 $80


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Silver Cuban 2 2 $200
L.S. Chain 2 0 $50


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Face Watch 1 2 $70
Face Black 2 2 $120


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Red Tint 1 1 $200
Blue Tint 1 1 $220


Style Image Respect % + Sex Appeal % + Price
Red Cap 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Red Cap (Up) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Back) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Side) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Tilt) 1 0 $40
Blue Cap (Up) 1 0 $40
Black Skully 1 0 $60
Green Skully 3 0 $60