Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V feature a fake in-game Internet, featuring dozens of websites which service the player or parody real-life trends or products. The websites are viewed on an in-game web browser styled similar to Apple Safari.
The internet of GTA IV is capable of:
- Updating itself with the storyline (as in news sites).
- Receiving jobs for Brucie Kibbutz' Exotic Exports.
- Playing music and sending ringtones to Niko's phone (see
- Giving the player a wanted level (see
- Meeting and setting up dates with various women in Liberty City (see and
- Occasional missions also require use of the Internet to set up rendezvous with targets (i.e. I'll Take Her, Out of the Closet).
GTA V added a number of new features, such as:
- In addition to news articles, social media sites will update while the story progress.
- Purchasing cars, boats, aircraft and bicycles.
- In Grand Theft Auto Online, purchasing property.
- Enrolling Michael and Franklin in the Epsilon Program and the Children of the Mountain respectively.
- Watching television shows.
- Buying and selling stocks.
The player can access the Internet from any of the following locations in Liberty City in GTA IV.
- Any of the three TW@ internet lounges
- Laptop in the safehouse located in Algonquin
- Computer located in the foyer of Playboy X's building
- Computer located in the Lost MC Clubhouse in the episodes
- In Oleg Minkov's apartment during "Wrong is Right"
- In the office of Mr. Fuk's Rice Box during "Dining Out"
In addition to PCs, GTA V adds the ability to access the internet via the player's smart phone at any time.
- Main articles: Websites in GTA IV and Websites in GTA V
Any website advertised ingame can be visited, such as those advertised on the radio, billboards, posters and TV.
Most of the websites are just for the players amusement, but a few of them actually have a purpose. At least one site has a rather unpleasant effect when visited; will immediately give the player a five star wanted level.
Niko Bellic can set up dates with people on, or buy ringtones and wallpapers for Niko's cell phone. Niko's email is also frequently used for staying in touch with story characters and getting mission details sometimes. Brucie Kibbutz will also send Niko emails asking him to steal certain vehicles for him. E-Mails from are the only E-mails the player can receive after completing the Story.
Note: most website addresses can be entered manually, although this can be tedious when playing on a console version of the game. Note that, despite how URLs are presented in the ingame Internet and in this wiki, the "www." prefix must be used otherwise the URLs don't work. Fortunately, the game forgoes the need to use "http://".