Master Lepus

Master Lepus
Appearances GTA 2
Full Name Master Lepus
Aliases The Hare
The Star of Light
Keith Richards


Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth April 20, 1960
Place of Birth Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Age Now 65
Nationality British
Home Anywhere City
Main Affiliations Hare Krishna

Master Lepus is a character in the 2D Universe who is mentioned in Grand Theft Auto 2.

Character history

Master Lepus was born on April 20, 1960 in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. The Anywhere City Police Department describe him as a "small and fat man with a Buddha complex" with a "Stoned appearance". He has an Interpol record for kidnapping, extortion, brain washing and possession of soft drugs. He later moved to Anywhere City in the United States of America and became a recluse, not leaving his temple. He is believed to be extremely influential and has a growing harem of women at his temple. He is known to kidnap those he does not like and brainwash them into giving him all of their possessions, and uses a cocktail specially prepared Zaibatsu products. He enjoys sex, drugs, meditation and eating.


  • He also goes by the names "The Hare", "Luppy", "The Star of Light" and "Keith Richards".