Sammy Starock

Sammy Starock
Appearances GTA 2
Full Name Sammy Starock


Gender Gender::Male
Nationality American
Home Anywhere City
Family Unnamed mother
Main Affiliations Rockstar Radio (employer)
Occupation Radio DJ
Voiced by Not credited

Sammy Starock is a character in the 2D Universe who appears as a radio DJ in Grand Theft Auto 2. His voice actor is not credited.

Character history

Sammy Starock is, in 1999, the DJ of the Rockstar Radio ratio station in Anywhere City. He claims that he gets bombs in the mail, and that he is "the worst racist there is". His mother calls the station, complaining that he doesn't have "a real job", to Starock's annoyance.


  • His surname may be a reference to Rockstar Games (Star+Rock).