
Games: GTA IV
The Lost and Damned
The Ballad of Gay Tony
Locations: Liberty City
Leaders: Unknown
Type: Albanian crime syndicate
Enemies: Petrovic Family
Pegorino Family
Irish American Killers
Affiliations: Ancelotti Family
Vehicles: Futo, Hakumai, Willard
Weapons: Knife, Pistol, Uzi
Businesses: Loan sharking, blackmailing, extortion
Members: Dardan Petrela (deceased)
Bledar Morina (deceased)
Kalem (deceased)

The Albanians are a gang based in Little Bay, Liberty City operates mainly in loan-sharking, blackmailing, extortion, and working as hired thugs for larger organizations such as the Ancelotti Family.

Albanian immigrants make up the majority of the gang. It seems that in Broker they are controlled by Dardan Petrela, a loanshark who attempts to extort Roman Bellic. Dardan is joined by other Albanian thugs named Bledar Morina and Kalem. The trio apparently have very little influence in Liberty City, considering the small scale of their dealings.

Being the weakest of the old Mafia families, the Ancelottis use the Albanians, rather than their own soldiers, as hired guns and delivery boys. The McReary Mob exploit this in their war against the Ancelottis -- in Gerry McReary's mission "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots and Your Motorcycle", Niko disguises himself as an Albanian gang member to frame them as having double-crossed the Ancelottis (the disguise -- an Albanian biker jacket -- is kept in Niko's wardrobe after the mission). The plot is eventually discovered by the Albanians, who then strike back by openly attacking the Irishmen throughout the city, even at a funeral for one of the McReary brothers (in the mission Undertaker). In the Multiplayer mission "Bomb Da Base II", the Albanian Mob appear as the main antagonist, shipping stolen cars back to Europe without Kenny Petrovic's permission. The Albanians usually wear Albanian biker jackets in different colours, although some wear hoodies and other jackets. Many share the same NPC model as Kalem Vulaj; this model is also seen walking the streets as a pedestrian.