Cargo Plane

Cargo Plane
A pre-release screenshot of the nose of the Cargo Plane while in flight (foreground)..
A pre-release screenshot of the nose of the Cargo Plane while in flight (foreground)..
A pre-release screenshot of the nose of the Cargo Plane while in flight (foreground)..
Appearance(s) GTA V
Vehicle type Civilian aircraft
Body style Passenger jetliner

The Cargo Plane is a large airplane in Grand Theft Auto V.


The Cargo Plane is a very large jet based on the Antonov An-124 with the engine pods of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. The plane can be seen in the GTA V's second trailer where Trevor drives a truck out of the plane's rear cargo door. The Cargo Plane is flown by Trevor in the mission Minor Turbulence (from which the aforementioned trailer scene is derived). At this time, it is unknown if this plane is obtainable outside of the mission.

Prominent appearances

See also