
Revision as of 15:24, 10 August 2010 by Thescarydude (talk | contribs)
A Swift with side doors in The Ballad of Gay Tony, available only in specific missions (Without side doors).

The Swift is a 2 person shuttle-civilian helicopter featured in Grand Theft Auto IV's second episode, The Ballad of Gay Tony.


The official website of The Ballad of Gay Tony describes the Swift as "the preferred method of transport for Liberty City high-fliers", a "turbo-shaft powered" aircraft that "shuttles its precious cargo in speed and comfort"

The design of the helicopter is seemingly a cross between the AgustaWestland AW109 and the Bell 222/230. The general design is from the AgustaWestland; the helicopter borrows the Bell's engine scoop design and the design for the end of its tail; the additional turbo intakes and the winglets seem inspired from the fictional attack helicopter Airwolf, an advanced stealth helicopter (which also a modified Bell 222 for the 1984-1987 TV show of the same name).


  • The Swift bears a "SANTO CAPRO" (roughly translates as "Holy Capro") livery with an emblem resembling a Sea Goat (Capricorn). The same emblem can be seen on Yusuf Amir's tracksuit jacket that he wears. Combined with the fact that he owns the helicopter, and wears the jacket, Santo Capro might be a company that the Amir estate runs.


  • The Swift is available at the west Algonquin helipad near the West River during the beginning of the game to the end of the game. After the completion of the game, the Gold Buzzard will start to spawn at the helipad.

Obtaining after game's completion

Swift with side doors closed

From the "missions" menu on Luis' phone, choose the mission Caught with your Pants Down and meet Yusuf Amir at Star Junction. Get in his helicopter and fly to any GTA IV or TBoGT Safehouse and land the helicopter in the parking space. Immediately kill Amir and blow yourself up with a hand grenade. The mission will fail, spawning you at the hospital. The Swift will now be at that curent Safehouse for you to use.

You can also obtain the Swift with side doors closed by doing the club management mission for Bruce Spade. You can either complete the mission and keep the helicopter, or kill Bruce and fly away. Take to any of your safehouses to save. You can't, however, redo club missions after they are complete, so it's only available until all Club missions are done.

Swift with side doors open

From the "missions" menu on Luis's phone, select the mission ...Blog This! and meet Gay Tony at the helipad. Immediately kill him and then The Celebinator (killing The Celebinator first will fail the mission and Tony will fly away). The mission will fail and you will now have a Swift at your disposal. Save it at any parking space if you want to keep it.