Characters by Surname (M)
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This is a list of Characters in the Grand Theft Auto series, listed on the letter M, and lists characters by surname. When surnames are not available, first names are used and then nicknames. To find characters whose names are known but are better known by nicknames (such as Melvin Harris, known better as Big Smoke), you can use the Find function. To access this, press the Control (Ctrl) and F keyboard buttons at the same time.
Some characters listed appear in other Rockstar Games titles, such as Manhunt, but are listed here as they are in so way related to the Grand Theft Auto series. The characters listed either appear or are mentioned in a Grand Theft Auto game. The games are written as short hand IDs, which are as follows:
Character | Information | Notes |
Ma'am | Ma'am is an Iranian football/soccer player who plays for the Liberty City Cocks, scoring three times in the September 2001 local derby (against the Liberty City Beavers. | Appears in: III |
![]() Maccer |
Maccer, born in 1965, is the English lead singer of The Gurning Chimps. In 1992 he was managed by Kent Paul and at one point lost his fellow band members. The band later got together and went on a world tour, but they were later banned in Australia and Maccer began following the Epsilon Program. | Voiced by: Shaun Ryder. Appears in: SA |
Lenny Macelton | Lenny Macelton is an LCPD police officer assisting Albert Thomas in running a meth lab to gain insider knowledge on local drug dealers. | Appears in: IV |
![]() Ray Machowski |
Ray Machowski is a LCPD police officer. He was originally against his corrupt partner Leon McAffrey but later became corrupt himself, employing Claude to kill McAffrey in 2001. He later flees Liberty City after Internal Affairs investigate him and his links to the Yakuza. | Voiced by: Robert Loggia and Peter Appel. Appears in: III and LCS |
![]() Madd Dogg |
Madd Dogg is a rapper who lives in his mansion in Mulholland, Los Santos. After his manager is killed he suffers from depression and attempts suicide. He becomes friends with Carl Johnson, who begins to manage him. His career picks up again after 1992. He once dated Rochell'le. | Voiced by: Ice-T. Appears in: SA |
Brother Maelcum | Brother Maelcum is a member of the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love in Vice City. He is rescued by the protagonist from the government assassins. | Appears in: 1 |
Maggie May | Maggie May is a member of the Rednecks gang who resides in Anywhere City. She is the daughter of Pa Wayne and has many siblings, including Bob, Joleyn, Mary Beth, Jethro, Seth, Lazy Balls, Peter Lee, Boff, Sammy Jo, Teri Barbara, Bonny, Jonny W., Billy Bob, Bobby Bill and Fabrizio. | Appears in: 2 |
Sister Maggie | Sister Maggie is a member of the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love in Vice City. | Appears in: 1 |
Mr. Magic | Mr. Magic is, in 1986, the DJ of the Wildstyle radio station in Vice City. | Voiced by: Mr. Magic. Appears in: VC |
Claude Maginot | Claude Maginot is a classically-trained actor who appears in Just the Five of Us and In the Future, There Will Be Robots. | Voiced by: John Mauceri. Appears in: VC |
![]() Christov Mahonvic |
Christov Mahonvic is a criminal in Liberty City who is wanted by the LCPD for grand theft auto. He can be killed by Niko Bellic, depending on the players choice. | Appears in: IV |
Lionel Makepeace | Lionel Makepeace is, in 1984, the host of the Emotion 98.3 radio station in Vice City. | Voiced by: Steve Stratton. Appears in: VCS |
![]() Malc |
Malc is, in 2008, a member of the Uptown Riders and an associate of DeSean, Johnny Klebitz and The Lost Brotherhood. He helps Klebitz on missions from Elizabeta Torres and kidnaps Roman Bellic. | Appears in: TLAD |
![]() MALCOMseX |
MALCOMseX is, in 2008, the name of a male user of the website. He can not be dated by Niko Bellic. | Appears in: IV |
Bob Malkin | Bob Malkin is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
Molly Malmstein | Molly Malmstein is the fictional assistant of Gordon Moorehead on Moorehead Rides Again. | Voiced by: Jen Cohn. Appears in: VCS |
DJ Mama Doc | DJ Mama Doc is the DJ for the Osmosis Radio station in Anywhere City. | Appears in: 2 |
Peter Marchetti | Peter Marchetti is a bodyguard for James Pegorino, the Don of the Pegorino Family. He, alongside Marco Bonnaro, are killed by Pavano Family hitmen. | Appears in: IV |
Paul Marchiando | Paul Marchiando is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
![]() Brother Marcus |
Brother Marcus is the leader of the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love gang who employs the protagonist to work against the government. | Appears in: 1 |
Marie Sue | Marie Sue is the wife of Larry Joe in 1984. | Appears in: VCS |
Mario | Mario is a bodyguard for the Vercetti Gang in 1986 and resides in Vice City. | Appears in: VC |
![]() Mark Tenninch |
Mark Tenninch is, in 2008, a male member of the website. He can not be dated by Niko Bellic. | Appears in: IV |
Martha | Martha is, in 2001, a resident of Liberty City. She phones Chatterbox FM and tells Lazlow how she also listens to the show when she has her colon irrigated. She is a fan of the internet and refers to Lazlow as Leslie. | Appears in: III |
Martin | Martin was a fireman in Kent, England in 1979. Kent Paul walked in on his sister having sex with Martin. | Appears in: VC |
![]() Charles Martin |
Charles Martin is the Senator for Liberty City in 2008. | IV |
Turk Martin | Turk Martin is, in 1992, an SFPD police detective who is investigating the illegal racing in Red County and San Fierro. | Appears in: SA |
Fernando Martinez | Fernando Martinez is a self proclaimed expert on love. In 1984 he was a reporter for Emotion 98.3 and by 1986 was the stations host. By 1992 he had been run out of Vice City and hosted an episode of the Lonely Hearts show on WCTR. In 2001 he begins Fernando's New Beginnings, advertising the show on Chatterbox FM. | Voiced by: Frank Chavez. Appears in: III, VC, SA and VCS |
![]() Jerry Martinez |
Jerry Martinez is an army sergeant based, in 1984, in Vice City. He takes his position lightly and employs Victor Vance, getting Victor kicked out of the army. Martinez is killed by Victor Vance. | Voiced by: Felix Solis. Appears in: VCS |
![]() Mary |
Mary is a prostitute who lives, in 1984, in Vice City. She is the favorite prostitute of Jerry Martinez, who has Victor Vance bring her to Fort Baxter Air Base. | Appears in: VCS |
![]() Mary |
Mary is a fictional character in a film being shot in Liberty City in 2000/2001. | Appears in: A |
Mary Beth | Mary Beth is a member of the Rednecks gang in Anywhere City. Her father is Pa Wayne and she has many siblings, including Bob, Joleyn, Jethro, Seth, Lazy Balls, Peter Lee, Boff, Sammy Jo, Teri Barbara, Maggie May, Bonny, Jonny W., Billy Bob, Bobby Bill and Fabrizio. | Appears in: 2 |
Mary-Beth Maybell | Mary-Beth Maybell is the frequently widowed DJ of K-Rose in 1992. She has nine children, including Mary Ellen, and has had a number of former husbands, all of whom died in mysterious circumstances. | Voiced by: Riette Burdick. Appears in: SA |
Ray Mathers | Ray Mathers is the Head of Immigration at Francis International Airport in 2001. He refuses the Old Oriental Gentleman entry to the United States. | Appears in: III |
Charles Matteo | Charles Matteo, known as "Chubby Charlie", is, in 2008, the sixty year old Underboss of the Ancelotti Family, representing the family at The Commission. He goes into hiding in Alderney after skipping bail on racketeering charges. Niko Bellic kills him on orders from Phil Bell, after Matteo discovers Bell's involvement in sabotaging a cocaine deal between the Ancelotti Family and the Russian Mafia. | Appears in: IV |
Maurice | Maurice is, in 1992, the host of the Gardening with Maurice program on WCTR. | Voiced by: Andy Dick. Appears in: SA |
Sister Maw | Sister Maw is a member of the Brotherhood of Jah Army of Love in Vice City. | Appears in: 1 |
![]() Teafore Maxwell-Davies |
Teafore Maxwell-Davies, also known as Real Badman, is the head of the Jamaican Posse, friend of Jacob Hughes and a cannabis dealer based in Broker, Liberty City. He hires Niko Bellic as a drug dealer, until the police begin to investigate him. Niko later meets him, with Maxwell-Davies at first failing to remember him. Niko agrees to help him again, killing some Russian Mafia gang members harassing Maxwell-Davies. | Voiced by: Seeborn. Appears in: IV |
May | May was Kent Pauls first proper girlfriend. She left Kent Paul for Mark Cosgrove. | Appears in: VC |
Mary Mayfly Era | Mary Mayfly is a liberal politician in City Hall who Weazel News want replaced. | Appears in: IV |
William Mazyck | William Mazyck is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
![]() Leon McAffrey |
Leon McAffrey is a corrupt LCPD police officer who, in 1998, employs Toni Cipriani, in order to make money himself. His partner is Ray Machowski, who in 2001 employs Claude to kill McAffrey for turning states evidence against him. | Voiced by: Ron Orbach. Appears in: III and LCS |
![]() Rodney McEniry |
Rodney McEniry is, in 2008, a criminal in Liberty City who is wanted by the LCPD for racketeering. He can be killed by Niko Bellic, depending on the players choice. | Appears in: IV |
Beverly McFadden | Beverly McFadden is the commanding officer of Fort Baxter Air Base in 1984. He admits to turning a blind eye to many soldiers actions in Vice City. | Appears in: VCS |
Ryan McFallon | Ryan McFallon is the host of the Pacemaker show on the Public Liberty Radio radio station in 2008. | Voiced by: Bryan Tucker. Appears in: IV |
Police Commissioner McGinley | Police Commissioner McGinley is, in 1984, the police commissioner for the VCPD. | Appears in: VCS |
Christy McIntyre | Christy McIntyre is, in 1992, the host of the Lonely Hearts program on WCTR in San Andreas. | Voiced by: Sara Moon. Appears in: SA |
![]() Derrick McReary |
Derrick McReary is seemingly the oldest member of the McReary Family. He is the brother of Gerald, Francis, Patrick and Kate, and the son of Maureen and Mr. McReary. He has a drug and alcohol problem and he helped the IRA against the British. He returns to Liberty City and can be killed by Niko Bellic, although Niko can also kill his brother Francis. | Voiced by: George Feaster. Appears in: IV |
Francis McReary |
Francis McReary is a corrupt LCPD detective. Francis is the brother of Derrick, Patrick and Kate, and the son of Maureen and Mr. McReary. He blackmails Niko Bellic into collecting memory sticks and other items to hide over his corruption. Francis can be killed by Niko, although Niko can also kill his brother Derrick. | Voiced by: Thomas Lyons. Appears in: IV |
![]() Gerald McReary |
Gerald "Gerry" McReary is a member of the McReary Family, the brother of Derrick, Francis, Patrick and Kate McReary, and the son of Maureen and Mr. McReary. Gerald is arrested by the LCPD and is transported to the Alderney State Correctional Facility. he later asks Niko Bellic to kidnap Gracie Ancelotti. He later realizes he will spend a long time in prison, bidding farewell to Niko. | Voiced by: PJ Sosko. Appears in: IV |
![]() Kate McReary |
Kate McReary is a member of the McReary Family, the sister of Derrick, Francis, Gerald and Patrick, and the daughter of Maureen and Mr. McReary. If Niko Bellic chooses the Revenge ending, she is killed in a drive-by shooting by James Pegorino. | Voiced by: Mary Catherine Donnelly. Appears in: IV |
![]() Maureen McReary |
Maureen McReary is the mother of Derrick, Francis, Gerald, Kate and Patrick McReary, and widow of Mr. McReary. She is later devastated at the loss of Derrick/Francis (depending on the players choice) and can also lose her daughter Kate (depending on the player's choice). | Voiced by: Doris Belack. Appears in: IV |
Mr. McReary | Mr. McReary was the head of the McReary Family until his death in 1999 from an unknown cause. | Appears in: IV |
![]() Patrick McReary |
Patrick McReary, also known as Packie McReary, is a twenty-nine year old member of the McReary Family, the brother of Derrick, Francis, Gerald and Kate, and son of Maureen and Mr. McReary. Patrick has a drug and alcohol problem. He works alongside Niko Bellic, including a bank robbery and the murder of Aiden O'Malley. | Voiced by: Ryan Johnston. Appears in: IV |
Hot Dog McShaw | Hotdog McShaw is a member of the Rednecks gang in Anywhere City. | Appears in: 2 |
Tom Measures | Tom Measures is a member of the Rednecks gang in Anywhere City. | Appears in: 2 |
![]() Brian Meech |
Brian is an Ivy League educated banker and crack addict who employs Niko Bellic on his journey to sobriety. | Appears in: IV |
Mel | Mel runs a re-spray shop in Liberty City. | Appears in: 1 |
![]() Mel |
Mel is, in 2008, a customer at Comrades Bar who at first shouts at Niko Bellic, before meeting him again later after sobering up. He asks Niko to accompany him when he repays his debt, with Niko saving Mel's life. | Voiced by: Larry Fleishman. Appears in: IV |
![]() Armando Mendez (left) |
Armando Mendez is, alongside his brother, the co-leader of the Mendez Cartel. He is a large scale drug dealer who employs Victor Vance. He later kidnaps and kills Louise Cassidy-Williams. He is killed by Victor Vance. | Voiced by: Yul Vazquez. Appears in: VCS |
![]() Diego Mendez (right) |
Diego Mendez is, alongside his brother, the co-leader of the Mendez Cartel. He is a large scale drug dealer who employs Victor Vance. Diego is killed by Victor Vance. | Voiced by: Ruben Trujillo. Appears in: VCS |
![]() T-Bone Mendez |
T-Bone Mendez is the leader of the San Fierro Rifa and co-leader of the Loco Syndicate. He is killed by Carl Johnson. | Voiced by: Kid Frost. Appears in: SA |
Vito Menotti | Vito "Dog Meat" Menotti is a former Pavano Family mobster who murdered numerous people in the early 1990s. When is arrested in 2008 he turns states evidence and is put into the witness protection program. | Appears in: IV |
Morgan Merryweather | Morgan Merryweather is the host of Double Clef FM and a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. In 1986 he phoned into K-CHAT to talk with Claude Maginot, and in 1998 he phones into Double Clef FM, to complain about Sergio Boccino, the stations host. | Voiced by: Gerry Cosgrove. Appears in: III, VC and LCS |
![]() Jason Michaels |
Jason Michaels is a member of The Lost Brotherhood biker gang. In 2008, he dates Anna Faustin, although he is later killed by Niko Bellic on orders from Mikhail Faustin, Anna's father. | Appears in: IV and TLAD |
Phillip Michaels | Phillip "PM" Michaels is, in 1992, the DJ of the CSR 103.9 radio station in San Andreas. | Voiced by: Michael Bivins. Appears in: SA |
Michelle | Michelle is a caller from the Midwest who is sexually obsessed with Dwayne Thorn, possibly as a result from isolation against anything and everything foreign. | Appears in: VCS |
![]() Barry Mickelthwaite |
Barry Mickelthwaite is Phil Collins' manager in 1984. He is heavily in debt to Giorgio Forelli but is saved by Victor Vance from Forelli hitmen. | Voiced by: Timothy Spall. Appears in: VCS |
Mickey | Mickey was a member of the Sindacco Family who ran Caligula's Palace until he was killed to allow for investsments from Salvatore Leone. | Appears in: SA |
![]() Mickey |
Mickey is, in 2008, the bartender of Vladimir Glebov's Comrades Bar in Hove Beach, Liberty City. | Appears in: IV |
Midnight | Midnight is a resident of London who was scheduled to do a job but backed out. The protagonist later kills him, as he never planned on doing the job. | Appears in: L 1969 and L 1961 |
![]() Miguel |
Miguel is a leading figure in the Colombian Cartel from 1998. He was seemingly killed by Toni Cipriani in 1998 but survived. He was seemingly killed by Claude in 2001, although he may have survived. | Voiced by: Al Espinosa. Appears in: III and LCS |
![]() Mike |
Mike is the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto Advance. He works for various criminal figures to find out who killed his best friend Vinnie, before discovering Vinnie faked his own death. he later flees Liberty City. | Appears in: A |
![]() Mike |
Mike is Salvatore Leone's bodyguard in 1992, whilst Salvatore is in Las Venturas. | Appears in: SA |
![]() Mike |
Mike is a member of the Diaz's Gang, acting as a bodyguard for Ricardo Diaz in The Party. He later joins the Vercetti Gang, helping Tommy Vercetti get protection money from Front Page Café and attempts to blow up the Tarbrush Café in the North Point Mall, with the bomb failing to detonate. | Appears in: VC |
![]() Mikki |
Mikki is one of the choices for protagonist in GTA 1. | Appears in: 1 |
Benjamin Mill | Benjamin Mill is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
Paul Mill | Paul Mill is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
General Mills | General Mills is in charge of the "Black Project" at Area 69. | Appears in: SA |
Lei Ming | Lei Ming is the owner of the Drooping Lotus in Aye Valley, San Andreas. He pays protection money to Uncle Fu, with the protagonist collecting the money for Fu. | Appears in: 1 |
Oleg Minkov | Oleg Minkov is, in 2008, a criminal based in Liberty City. He is an associate of Vasily and Konstantin. He is killed by Niko Bellic on orders from United Liberty Paper. | Appears in: IV |
Harris Mint | Harris Mint is a member of the Biker gang in Vice City. In 1984 he resides in Vice City. | Appears in: VCS |
![]() Miss Understood |
Miss Understood is, in 2008, the name of a female member of the website. She can not be dated by Niko Bellic. | Appears in: IV |
![]() Misty |
Misty is a prostitute who, in 2000/2001, works for Asuka Kasen. By October 2001 she works for Luigi Goterelli and Mickey Hamfists' at Luigi's Sex Club 7, becoming a regular client of Joey Leone. She lives in Hepburn Heights, Portland. | Voiced by: Kim Gurney. Appears in: III |
Jenny Mitchell | Jenny Mitchell is the host of MeTV News in Vice City in 1984. She lives in a condo in a gated community. | Appears in: VCS |
Leslie Mitchell | Leslie Mitchell is a reporter for Weazel News in 2008. | Appears in: IV |
![]() Mittens |
Mittens is, in 2008, the name of a female member of the website. She can not be dated by Niko Bellic. | Appears in: IV |
Mr. Moffat | Mr. Moffat was to be a character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City who knew Tommy Vercetti from the past, asking him for help. | Appears in: VC |
![]() Mohammed |
Mohammad is a taxi driver employed by Roman Bellic. He dislikes both Roman and Niko Bellic. He only works for Roman to shut his wife up and to sleep with female customers. | Appears in: IV |
Mona | Mona is a prostitute who resided in Vice City in 1984. She is friends with Mary and helps Victor Vance locate her. | Appears in: VCS |
Monolito | Monolito is an associate of El Burro who informs him of a bus being used to smuggle people across the border. The protagonist later pays Monolito with El Burro's money. | Appears in: 1 |
Michelle Montanius | Michelle Montanius is the co-host of VCPR in both 1984 and 1986, alongside Jonathan Freeloader. She was romantically involved with Maurice Chavez and became pregnant. It is unknown whether she kept her child. | Voiced by: Kelly Guest. Appears in: VC and VCS |
Chuck Montresse | Chuck Montresse is a police lieutenant in the LCPD in 2008. | Appears in: IV |
Gethsemanee Starhawk Moonmaker | Gethsemanee Starhawk Moonmaker (birth name unknown) is a member of a compost coven in Vice City who works at a rock and bead shop. She has also written a book, Lovin' the Coven, | Voiced by: Lynn Lipton. Appears in: VC |
Gordon Moorehead | Gordon Moorehead, also referred to as George Moorehead, is the fictional star of Moorehead Rides Again, a 1940s/1950s detective show broadcast over the radio. | Voiced by: Lloyd Floyd. Appears in: VCS |
![]() Rodney Morash |
Rodney Morash is one of the choices for protagonist in GTA London, 1969 and GTA London, 1961. | Appears in: L 1969 and L 1961 |
![]() Bledar Morina |
Bledar Morina is a member of the Albanian Mafia who attempts to get back money from Roman Bellic. Bledar can be killed by Niko Bellic. | Voiced by: Gregory Korostishevsky. Appears in: IV |
Glen Morley III | Glen Morley III is a resident of Liberty City who, until February 2001, had been a peaceful member of society. However he bought a gun due to the increasing number of car jackings in the city. | Appears in: III |
Nicholas Morris | Nicholas Morris is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 2001. | Appears in: III |
Gaylord Morrisen | Gaylord Morrisen is a reporter for the Liberty Tree newspaper in 1998. | Appears in: LCS |
Moweesha | Moweesha is a resident of Vice City in 1986 who is believed to be participating in dubious practices with Leo Teal. Moweesha is also believed to be paid company for other men in the city. | Appears in: VC |
![]() Su Xi Mu |
Su Xi Mu is the assistant to Wu Zi Mu, who resides in San Fierro, and helps run the Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas. | Appears in: SA |
![]() Wu Zi Mu |
Wu Zi Mu, also known as Woozie, is the leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys and second in command of the San Fierro Triads. He becomes friends with Carl Johnson, owns a betting shop and later one third of the Four Dragons Casino. Despite being blind, he is an excellent race driver. | Appears in: SA |
Ron A. Muck | Ron A. Muck is an associate of the Vance Crime Family who resides in Vice City in 1984. | Appears in: VCS |
![]() Samantha Muldoon |
Samantha Muldoon is a socialite who has been married four times, although none lasted a month. She is the ex-wife of Kirk Simplex. | Appears in: IV |
![]() Mystique |
Mystique (born 1965/1966) is a prostitute who resides in Vice City who, in 1984, wins $250,000 from the Vice City Lotto Scratch Off Jackpot, splitting the money with Destiny. A week later, however, she had spent the money and returned to working as a prostitute. | Appears in: VCS |