Kent Paul

Kent Paul
Appearances GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
Full Name Kent Paul
Aliases Paulo


Date of Birth 1965
Place of Birth Kent, United Kingdom
Age Now 60
Nationality British
Home Vice City
Vinewood, Los Santos
Main Affiliations Tommy Vercetti
Carl Johnson
Ken Rosenberg
The Gurning Chimps
Madd Dogg
Love Fist
Vehicles Love Fist Limo
Blue Sentinel
Businesses Music management
Voiced by Danny Dyer

Kent "Pablo" Paul (Paul, from Kent, England), is a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. He is heavily involved in the music industry, including being the manager of The Gurning Chimps and an associate of the band Love Fist. In both games, he was voiced by Danny Dyer. He also owns a website in real life called Kent Paul's 80's Nostalgia zone

Character history

GTA Vice City

Paul has contacts with biker gangs, but has had a falling-out with Mitch Baker's gang. He is very "good with rumors", has information on most of the major crime units of Vice City, and seems to have contacts in certain SWAT divisions. He tipped Tommy Vercetti off about Leo Teal's part in the ambush at the start of the game. He is also, however, a pathological liar and a suspected drug addict. Paul acts as a manager to the rock band Love Fist and is usually found at the local Malibu night club in Vice Point. He claims to have moved to the United States in 1982 at the age of 17, which would suggest he was born in 1965. At first Tommy and Paul have a strong dislike towards each other, but they soon become close acquaintances after meeting up with Love Fist. After acquiring the film studios, Tommy receives a call from Paul, in which Paul claims to have acted in pornography movies in England, and would like a role in one of Tommy's films.

GTA San Andreas

Paul bought a new English band, the Gurning Chimps, and moved to San Andreas to have them noticed. He and the band at some point meet aging hippie The Truth, who takes them out to the desert and has them consume peyote, causing them to become stranded from each other. He and only one member of the band remaining, lead singer Maccer, are rescued by The Truth's acquaintance and protagonist Carl "CJ" Johnson as a favor for the hippie. Upon being rescued, Paul quickly heads to Las Venturas to meet his old acquaintance Ken "Rosie" Rosenberg. When Salvatore Leone arrives in Las Venturas and begins to run Caligula's Casino, Paul, Maccer and Rosie quickly become targets for Salvatore and it is only a matter of time before they are whacked. With Carl's assistance, they escape Las Venturas unharmed and lie low in an unknown town, presumably Los Santos. Later, Paul starts producing for rehabilitating rapper Madd Dogg to bring his career back on track. During his escape from Las Venturas, he is seen driving a blue Sentinel.

Mission appearances

GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas



External link