Richard Bastion

Revision as of 19:17, 16 April 2010 by Bluesboyjr (talk | contribs)

Richard Bastion is a character in Grand Theft Auto IV who, in 2008 is the host of the WKTT's right-wing call in show, The Richard Bastion Show. Bastion answers callers questions and statements throughout the show, in a format basically identical to Rush Limbaugh. Bastian briefly admits at one point in the show to oversoding on prescription pills, also mocking Limbaugh.

Bastian is a caricature of someone violently, radically right-wing, and even rallies one caller to shoot an innocent Mexican man on a subway, calling him "Al Con Queso", a "Spanish terrorost" and also blames him for illegal immegration. In his personal life, he considers himself an extremely orthodox Christian and stays mostly abstinant even though he is married. The show strongly suggests that his wife is cheating on him for this reason, and he is also suspiciously knowledgable about transvestites and other such topics.


  • Bastion was voiced by Jason Sudeikis, one of three current SNL performers to appear in GTA IV. Bill Hader voiced Wilson Taylor Sr on PLR's Pacemaker and Fred Armisen voiced multiple characters on Integrity 2.0.
  • The only two direct cultural references he makes on the show are when he talks about puppets and their effect on children - he sees Derek the Dodo (the Ammu-Nation mascot from GTA Vice City Stories) as a good influence on children, and goes on to say "the only puppet I like is the president", namely in-game president Joe Lawton.