Mario Venturella

Mario Venturella
Appearances GTA IV
Full Name Mario Venturella


Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1988
Place of Birth Algonquin, Liberty City
Age Now 37
Nationality American
Home Liberty City
Main Affiliations Pavano Family
Occupation Burglar

Mario Venturella is a character in the HD Universe who is mentioned in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Character history

Mario Venturella was born in 1988 in Algonquin, Liberty City. He was arrested in 2004 for prostitution in Westminster and in 2006 for burglary. By 2008, at the age of twenty-one, he is suspected of a number of burglaries in Middle Park East and is the love interest of Mary Valvona, the Pavano Family leader.

LCPD Database information

Surname: Venturella

First Name: Mario

Age: 21

Place of Birth: Algonquin, Liberty City

Affiliations: Pavano Crime Syndicate

Criminal Record:

  • 2004 - Prostitution
  • 2006 - Burglary: Illegal Entry with Criminal Intent


  • Believed to be the most recent lover of Pavano Crime Syndicate head, Mary Valvona.
  • Suspected in a number of burglaries in Middle Park East.
  • Before his involvement with Valvona, was arrested in Westminster on prostitution charges.