Steven Jabowitz

Steven Jabowitz
Appearances GTA IV
Full Name Steven Jabowitz
Aliases The Buffet Car
Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1965
Place of Birth Los Santos
Age Now 60
Home San Andreas

Steven Jabowitz, aka "The Buffet Car", is a forty-three year old man from Los Santos who is featured on the Liberty City Police Department Database in Grand Theft Auto IV. Jabowitz is a self confessed gambling addict with a history of alcoholism and fraudulent activity. He is believed to have a string of debts across Liberty City and the state of San Andreas.

He is, in 2008, trying to make a name for himself on the television show "Las Venturas Poker Challenge". He has also written a book entitled May Contain Nuts, a guide to playing poker. According to the LCPD Database, he has two convictions for fraud in 2001 and possession of Gambling Records in 2004.

LCPD Database information

Surname: Jabowitz

First Name: Steven

Age: 43

Place of Birth: Los Santos

Affiliations: N/A

Criminal Record:

  • 1996 - Driving While Intoxicated
  • 2001 - Fraud
  • 2004 - Possession Gambling Records


  • AKA 'The Buffet Car'
  • Self-confessed gambling addict.
  • History of alcoholism and fraudulent activity.
  • Believed to have a string of debts across Liberty City and San Andreas.
  • Trying to make a name for himself on the televised Las Venturas Poker Challenge.
