Joe Corrola

Joe Corrola
Appearances GTA IV
Full Name Joe Corrola


Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1975
Place of Birth Algonquin, Liberty City
Age Now 50
Nationality American
Home Liberty City
Main Affiliations Pavano Family
North Holland Hustlers
Vehicles Coquette

Joe Corrola is a 33 year-old (born 1975) member of the Pavano Family and believed to be in charge of the family's heroin distribution racket. He is the ex-lover of Mary Valvona, who was the don, head of the family. Corrola has known ties to African-American drugs dealers in North Holland as well as the Humbolt River Dock Workers Local Union; which is believed to be used to bring heroin into Liberty City.

According to the LCPD database he has four prior convictions: In 1993 he was charged with Grand Theft Auto; in 1995 he was charged with Assault; in 1998 with Racketeering and Tax Evasion in 2005.

LCPD Database information

Surname: Corrola

First Name: Joe

Age: 33

Place of Birth: Algonquin, Liberty City

Affiliations: Pavano Crime Syndicate

Criminal Record:

  • 1993 - Grand Theft Auto
  • 1995 - Assault
  • 1998 - Racketeering
  • 2005 - Tax Evasion


  • Ex-lover of Pavano Crime Syndicate head Mary Valvona.
  • Believed to be in charge of the Pavano Crime family's heroin distribution network.
  • Often seen with African American drug dealers in North Holland.
  • Ties to the Humboldt River Dock Workers Local Union.
  • Believed to use these connections to bring heroin into Liberty City.