Cherise McCormic

Cherise McCormick is a 38 year old actress from San Fierro who appeared on a popular 80's sitcom. McCormick is said to have developed drug and alcohol problems since falling out of the public eye and is also believed to have appeared in porn movies for crack cocaine. In addition she has six known convictions: for, possession of cocaine in 2001, Driving While Intoxicated in 2003, Resisting Arrest in 2004, possession of crack cocaine in 2005, Prostitution in 2006 and finally a conviction for an obscene performance in the year 2007. In 2008 she appeared on the hit T.V. show Waining with the Stars.


  • Her character's name on the 80's sitcome she was in was "Tiffany Gibson", which references two popular pop-stars of the 1980's: Tiffany Darwish and Debbie Gibson, respectively.