Jeremy St. Ives

Jeremy St. Ives
Appearances [[Appearance::Grand Theft Auto IV]]
Full Name Jeremy St. Ives
Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1976
Place of Birth San Fierro
Age Now 48
Nationality American
Home Liberty City
Vehicles Stretch

Jeremy St. Ives is a character in the GTA IV era, appearing in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Jeremy St. Ives is the co-host for "The Mens Room" along with Bas Rutten. He is shown to be the nice host of the show while Bas is angry and aggresive. He is also, probably according to him, a 'top celebrity'. However, Jeremy has been arrested on a few occasions, including in 2000 for incest, in 2001 and 2004 for patronizing a prostitute and in 2006 for public lewdness. The latter was actually him playing Ultimate Disk In The Dark in Middle Park with 11 other naked men.

Jeremy St. Ives Gamestop Commercial

Jeremy also appeared in a commercial created between Gamestop and Rockster, promoting Grand Theft Auto IV.

In his Grand Theft Auto IV commercial he is shown touring the city. During the commercial he is promoting Liberty City in GTA IV in a voice over as if it were a wonderful place, when actually he is shown having a bad time. At the beginning his limo takes off while he's attempting to enter leaving him to use a taxi later on.

He is coaxed by a hooker while in the taxi, while driving a boat there is a dead body in the water next to him, and as he looks through a viewscope, he witnesses a helicopter attacking a boat in the water.

St. Ives is then seen a strip joint, getting drunk at Steinway Beer Garden, and finally returning to his taxi. When his taxi passes the Bank of Liberty it's during a bank heist from the mission Three Leaf Clover where Niko, Patrick McReary, and Derrick McReary steal it, tossing him onto the street.

With the bank robbery still in progress St. Ives is running around on the street dodging bullets and coming close do dieing when a police vehicle is blown up just behind him.

At the end, he is finally seen comicly chasing a moving plane, asking for it to stop while being chased by two unknown people.