Roman's Child

Roman Bellic's Son
Appearances GTA IV
Full Name Roman Bellic's Son


Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 2009
Place of Birth Liberty City, Liberty State, United States of America
Age Now 16
Nationality American
Home Liberty City
Family Roman Bellic (father)
Mallorie Bardas (mother)
Niko Bellic (second cousin)
Milica Bellic (great aunt)
Unnamed grandmother
Unnamed second cousin (deceased)
Protagonist (GTA Online) (possible)

Roman's Child refers to the unborn son of Roman Bellic and Mallorie Bardas, nephew to Niko Bellic, in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Name & Gender

In the deal ending, Roman is inadvertently killed by an assassin who was sent by Dimitri Rascalov to assassinate Niko Bellic. After "A Revenger's Tragedy," Mallorie Bardas-Bellic phones Niko saying that she is pregnant with a boy. Niko then says that the baby will never have to worry about anything. Mallorie replies saying that the child will struggle without a father.

With the revenge ending, Mallorie has not revealed the gender of the baby to Roman yet. After "Out of Commission," Niko receives a call from Roman about the baby, who says that if the baby is a girl, they would name her Kate, after Niko's girlfriend Kate McReary who was killed by Jimmy Pegorino's attempt to assassinate Niko.